Florida Association for Water Quality Control
The Florida Association for Water Quality Control (FAWQC) is a non-profit association of professionals, founded in 1978, dedicated to managing, improving, and protecting the quality of Florida’s waters.
FAWQC recognizes that Florida’s water resources help drive our state’s economy through industry and tourism. Our members also recognize that proactive management of this resource involves collaboration, innovation, and education.
Florida’s water resources are invaluable for sustaining the lifestyle and landscapes that Floridians and visitors expect. The quality of our interconnected surface and ground water systems can impact drinking water supplies, wildlife habitat, industry, agriculture, and recreation-based economy.
As Florida continues to grow, it’s future is dependent on the decisions society makes today concerning water resources. FAWQC strives to create a professional forum dedicated to collaboration and innovation in water quality management, technology, and regulation. In order to truly protect our state’s water resources, we must also engage and inspire future generations.
FAWQC Environmental Education Fund
In 2004 FAWQC established the E2 Grant Fund to promote environmental education. The E2 Fund offers research grants to Florida teachers who implement water related science projects in the classroom. Furthermore, the fund supports students directly by rewarding promising projects at county science fairs as well as the Florida state science fair.
Together we can make a difference protecting Florida’s water quality.